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The people who make it all possible, YOU!

Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Volunteer Your Time and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. 


We are currently looking for volunteers to go to bike nights in Fargo this summer to help promote Ride With Natalee. 


We are also looking for volunteers who are willing to go out into the community and seek donations for the silent auction that will be held at Ride With Natalee


Volunteers are needed on August 23, 2020 to help serve food, collect donations, sell shirts and bracelets, give directions on where to park before and at the end of the parade ect... If you are interested in volunteering please message us directly. We are hoping to have an online sign up by April to make volunteering for this amazing and fun event easier. 



Volunteer Your Time: Get Involved
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